Monday, January 24, 2011

goals for this week

I will be working on setting long-term goals, but for tonight, I'd like to focus on this week:

1) Go to one class at the SERF. It will be good to do something new/fun, and the leaders for those groups are always peppy and motivating. 
2) Read for class, both Tuesday and Thursday. I am ashamed to say that in all the years of college, I have never completed all the reading for my classes in any given semester. I have one last chance, and I can do it!
3) Clean up our room-- whenever we clean, there is a tendency to "forget" to clean in there. I would like to organize and re-distribute my clothes, since there is no need for them to be all over the floor. I will also make the bed twice this week... though I don't really see a point in always making the bed, having it all nice does make the rest of the room seem neater. 
4) Write a blog post for at least four days this week (through Sunday night). [Note that I didn't mandate a blog-entry every day... there's hope for me yet!]
5) Write five thank-you letters for the wedding. This is something that has been hanging over my head for four months, and it's time to clear out the mental clutter and move on. Plus I genuinely have great appreciation to express in these letters... I think it's important to let people know that we are grateful for having them in our lives.
6) Respond to Kate! 

I am excited. Little by little, I can actually move forward!!!


  1. Goals are excellent to have! Each morning when I wake up I think about 3 things I'd like to achieve that day. And sometimes they are small; they don't have to be crazy! I find that making those daily goals helps me to stay on track and feel at least a tiny bit accomplished! It helps lead a path and make a plan of where I am going with myself that day! Try it out for a few days. You might find the same :)

  2. oh AND I wanted to say that I agree about the 4 blogs a week. That is similar to what I decided---If I try to pretend I'm going to do it more, I will let myself down and quit altogether! We can do it!
